ProteoFluor™ Series


[Protease detecting fluorescent probe]

EP-HMRG is almost nonfluorescent material at pH 7 or higher. It fluoresces by the reaction with proteases that can digest the peptide sequence of EP (glutamic acid, proline). With this reagent, users can detect the cells and tissues that overexpresses the protease by green fluorescence.


Code No. Product Name Size Merck CAT No. Merck ( Millipore / Sigma Aldrich )
Product Name
GC811 EP-HMRG 30 nmol x 5
  • Product Information


    Properties of EP-HMRG

    Product Name
    reaction Absmax (nm) FLmax (nm) ε Φ
    EP-HMRG irreversible 500 524 57,000 0.81

    The above data is that of after the reaction with proteases.




    Spectra measured in PBS (pH 7.4)