FRETFluor™ Series

SSip-1 DA

[Intracellular sulfane sulfur detecting probe]

495-540 nm:Green

Intracellularly abundant sulfane sulfur species including persulfide (R-S-SH), polysulfide (R-S-Sn-S-R) and polysulfide (H2Sn) play important roles to maintain intracellular reducing environments. SSip-1 DA is a FRET-based fluorescence probe to specifically detect the intracellular sulfane sulfur species. It shows only week fluorescence without sulfane sulfur, and reversibly fluoresces in response to micromolar concentrations of sulfane sulfur. Its reaction is highly specific and has minimal to no reactivity with H2S, cysteine residues, and sulfur oxides. SSip-1 DA, a cell permeable diacetylated form of SSip-1 is hydrolyzed by intracellular esterases to generate SSip-1 which retains within the cells. Thus it is suitable to monitor intracellular concentration of sulfane sulfur via live-cell imaging.


Available through Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany) as:
SCT211 BioTracker Green Sulfane Sulfur Live Cell Dye





Code No. Product Name Size Merck CAT No. Merck ( Millipore / Sigma Aldrich )
Product Name
A402-1 SSip-1 DA 60 nmol × 3 SCT211 BioTracker Green Sulfane Sulfur Live Cell Dye
(日本語) 4月1日より


  • Protocol

  • SDS

  • Product Information


    Properties of SSip-1

    Product Name target reaction Absmax (nm) FLmax (nm)
    SSip-1 R-S-SH, R-S-Sn-S-R, H2Sn reversible (in the presence of GSH) 495 525



    Left, absorption spectra of 5 μM of the reagent, and right, fluorescence spectra excited at 470 nm.



  • A cell imaging example using SSip-1 DA


    A cell imaging example using SSip-1 DA

    Intracellular sulfane sulfur was imaged with SSip-1 DA, before (left) and after (right) a stimulation with 5 μM Na2S4 in A549 cells.
    Cells were treated with 10 μM SSip-1 DA (containing 1 mg/mL BSA as additives) for 1 hour at 37oC, 5% CO2. After washing, the cells in HBSS were observed under a fluorescence microscope using 460―500 nm excitation filter and 512―542 fluorescence filter. Grayscale images of DIC and green pseudocolor images of fluorescence were overlaid. A549 cell line provided from JCRB cell bank was used. Scale bar, 50 μm. Please refer to other application notes for details regarding the observation conditions and other applications.